
Medical marijuana growing made easy! How-to tutorials with step-by-step instruction on how to grow cannabis.

Why are your cannabis plants staying small? You planted your seeds, seedlings appeared, but now your plants are growing soooooo slow. It’s a common problem with cannabis seedlings and vegetative plants, but often frustrating to figure out the fix. What’s the cause? How do you make your marijuana plants grow faster? Slow-growing cannabis plants are
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If you grow a lot of cannabis plants, you're eventually going to run into unusual plants, cannabis mutations, and other unexpected growth patterns. Nature loves variation! Here are some of the most common marijuana plant mutations I've encountered over the years. If you see one of these strange mutant plants, you're not alone. Submit a
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Did you know a lot of cats (and dogs) love cannabis leaves? Every cat I've owned loves to nibble on my plants if given a chance. I've heard the same from many other growers. One day you check on your garden only to see cat-sized bites all over your plants. No kitty! Not my weed
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This tutorial is Part 1 of our “how to grow weed for beginners” series: Part 1: Get Your Cannabis Garden Setup > Part 2: Your 10-Minute Seed-to-Harvest Grow Guide Are you looking for a personalized "grow weed at home" kit? This 10-minute tutorial teaches you how to get the right supplies and start growing cannabis
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Dreaming of growing organic weed in your cannabis garden? Want a "just add water" cannabis growing experience? Whether you're thinking about growing weed for the first time, or you've already grown a few cannabis plants and want to try something new, today's organic growing method keeps it natural with zero fuss. This tutorial was made
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I have a huge regret when it comes to growing cannabis. I think most growers end up feeling the same way after they've had a few successful harvests. This is me growing weed in a closet in 2008. I wish I'd read this article back then! Note: Don't follow that picture and keep plants directly
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Bud density isn't everything... but it sure is nice! If your cannabis buds keep coming out light and fluffy and you're not sure why, this article will break it down for you. Learn exactly how to grow the densest, most rock hard cannabis buds possible. Example of dense marijuana buds. Looks and feels solid. This
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A lot of indoor cannabis growers struggle with yields. It's fantastic to grow your weed, but you must grow enough that you never run out. Otherwise, growing may feel like a waste of time and effort. Luckily, cannabis yields don't have to be a mystery. There are specific factors that cause yields to be big
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What is "DLI" (daily light integral) and how can you increase it for bigger yields? Definition: DLI stands for daily light integral. It describes how much light in the PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) range is delivered within a 24-hour period to an area. "Daily" because it's how much in a 24-hour period, "Light" because it
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