Why are my buds turning yellow on just one part? (I can’t see any mold or bud rot)

by Nebula Haze

What is causing these purple-tinted buds to turn green/yellow on just one side? Is it sick? Bud rot? Something else?

Don’t Let Buds Press Up Against the Side of Your Grow Tent

Since a grower asked about this issue in our Facebook group and I had never seen it discussed before, I wanted to pass along a quick tip. He noticed that a big bud pressed against the side of his grow tent was turning yellow on the side touching the wall. However, when he inspected the bud closely, there was no sign of mold or other illness. The rest of the plant and buds were pristine. He suspected the pressure from the wall was what did it.

I told him I’d seen a similar response in a Forum Stomper plant a few years ago (pictured above) when a bud was constantly pressed up against the wall. The plant tissue of the bud started to appear yellow/pale on the part that was touching, but even under close inspection, I couldn’t find signs of mold or other issues. The rest of the buds were purple/silver so the green/yellow on that part was really noticeable in pictures.

My two theories as to what causes buds to turn yellow like this:

  • Pressure – Perhaps it is the pressure on the buds from touching the wall that causes them to to turn yellow. That would explain the symptoms.
  • Lack of light – I’ve seen that buds that receive zero light turn yellow, even if they’re not pressed up against anything. Perhaps it is the lack of light that caused this, more than the pressure.

Regardless of the true cause, once I moved the plant a bit further in the tent so it didn’t touch the walls and it could get light on all sides, those buds actually went back to their normal color. One of the few times when fixing the problem actually reversed the damage!

Send us pictures if you’ve seen this happen too, and we may add them to the page!


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